
Grant Writing Tips

I’m always on a quest to understand what grant providers are looking for. This includes grant writing tips and feedback from grantors. Why? There are two reasons: So I’m up to date with the grant industry and can create grant applications that have the best chance of success. So I can share the wisdom with […]

Save time: cheat a little

If you’re keen to save time when filling in forms, my Business Details Cheat Sheet could be just what you need. You’re probably like me and always looking for ways to save time.  I create heaps of templates to fine-tune my work, and I’ll ‘fess-up and admit some work better than others. I’m sharing one which […]

What should you include in a Project Plan?

It depends on the cost of the project.  As a guide, I’m basing my answer on what has successfully gained funding for my clients in the past. Unless the funder provides a template, when creating applications for $250,000 or greater, we include the following elements.  The finished document usually contains 12-15 pages.  Feedback from national funders indicates this […]
