Multicultural projects $40,000 grants are now open
Multicultural Projects grants of up to $40,000 are available for approved projects to be delivered from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021.
The funding is for events and projects that promote:
- Queensland’s multicultural identity
- Community participation and intercultural connections
- Increased understanding between different cultural groups and the wider community
- Increased engagement of community groups in connecting and welcoming people from culturally different backgrounds into a wide range of community activities.
Key details about the Multicultural Projects grants
Projects should be:
- Community-based activities (training workshops, skills and capability development), to help solve issues.
- A series of activities that generate benefits at an individual or community level, and increased community participation, economic independence or access to community opportunities.
Eligibility for Multicultural Projects grants:
- Incorporated organisations operating as not-for-profit/charitable entities
- Non-government not-for-profit organisations
- Local Government Authorities
- P&C Associations.
Application requirements – it’s a simple application with the following questions:
- Project description
- How your project aligns with the funding priority
- Target groups who will be involved, and their numbers
- Need for the project
- Partners who will collaborate on the project
- Your organisation’s experience
- A project plan table
- Project budget
- Attachments required: Certificate of Incorporation and Public Liability Insurance
- Attachments can also be letters of support and other supporting documents
Applications close: 6 December 2019
More information and assistance
Check out all the additional information on the State Government’s website.
We’re happy to help you out. Need some assistance to get the application completed? Call Prue for a chat on 07 4923 7110 or 0409 069 425. Alternatively, you can send an email.