
The 3rd Australian Regional Development Conference will be held in Canberra on 5 – 6 September 2016

July 20, 2016 by in News

ARDC logo

Regional Australia – Planning, Participation and Progress will explore opportunities for innovation in regional Australia. With its rich resources, diversity, and value, regional Australia is the catalyst for the future.

This Conference is designed for individuals and representatives from organisations with an academic, business or professional interest in regional development.

The Conference addresses issues such as sustainable development, environmental sustainability, land use, community development, investment, agribusiness and innovation.

With program content including an extensive range of topics from Keynote Presenters, Concurrent Sessions, Case Studies and Poster Presentations, this is a Conference for planners, local Councils, Government, business, NGO, community organisations, academics and professionals with an interest in regional sustainability.

Check out all the details at
