
New report provides in-depth examination of Queensland economy

September 13, 2016 by in News


The Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland (CCIQ) yesterday unveiled one of the most detailed examinations of the Sunshine State’s economic performance.

According to CCIQ, “This new monthly report, Queensland Economic Update, will be crucial reading for the state’s 410,000 small businesses, industry groups, government departments and politicians at all three levels.

“It will offer an ongoing examination of key indicators, covering labour, finance, construction, retail and demographics, delivering a much needed source of data and information for Queensland businesses.”

Unfortunately, unemployment is unchanged at 6.3 per cent, and still higher than national rate of 5.7 per cent.  Read about this topic and many others in the report at cciq-qld-economic-update-september-2016 or visit CCIQ’s website at
