We offer the most efficient courses in grant writing
Look no further for the ultimate course in grant writing.
We increase your chances of receiving grants by teaching you how to write exceptional grant applications. Our course in grant writing includes templates and examples, ensuring you reach your grant writing goals.
What sets Indigo Gold apart regarding courses in grant writing
When it comes to teaching courses in grant writing, we are one of the top choices:
We have experience in assessing government grant applications.
We provide writing templates you can use to write the best grant applications.
We have written successful grant applications worth $59 million in the last three years.
We know how to write applications to grantors, giving you a better shot at achieving the projects close to your heart.
Problems Indigo Gold addresses in our course in grant writing
Our five-part webinar series helps you successfully address the many details of writing a grant application:
You need to know about the different types of granters and how they look for different things.
Become wiser on how to stand out amongst competing grantees.
Be successful in the proofing, submission and follow-up of your grant application.
You will gain a skill that will permanently change your life and improve your chances of success.
By not using our step-by-step writing guide, you stand a chance to lose any current or future grants that will make your dreams come true. You won’t have the knowledge or the templates we provide to enhance your chances of receiving the grants you want.
Contact us today about our high-value course in grant writing that will cost you just $97, including the templates.