
Business opportunity: Landing Pads is open for applications

April 24, 2018 by in News

The Australian Government’s Landing Pads program for market-ready startups is open at the moment.

It provides Australian start-up businesses with a workspace for up to 90 days in a global innovation hub. The ‘space’ includes access to coaching, investors, customers, training opportunities, tailored networking events and state-of-the-art facilities to develop their business model.

Australian market-ready startups will have the opportunity to be immersed in an environment that will help them accelerate the design and development of their product or service business model by exploring in-market business development, investment, mentorship and strategic partnership opportunities.

The Landing Pads program runs 3 cohorts per year to all five locations: Berlin, San Francisco, Shanghai, Singapore and Tel Aviv.  Successful applicants will secure a place at their nominated Landing Pad location for a period of up to 90 days.  For this Round, the running dates are 3 September to 3 December 2018.

An Austrade Landing Pad coordinator based in the market will also provide you with:

  • guidance on identifying and targeting customers
  • advice on how to access angel investors, venture capital and other potential sources of investment
  • introductions to local government agencies offering support programs for new businesses and startups
  • advice on how to leverage networks in the market to meet with peers, decision makers and influencers
  • referrals to professional services and advisory firms
  • advice on how to negotiate the local business culture.

Who can apply

At a minimum, you must:

  • be market-ready
  • meet all costs associated with your travel, accommodation and insurance
  • have an appropriate visa for the desired market.

To apply, you must complete and submit an online application form.  It requires you to include information about your startup and your team; your vision for your company; and how participation in the Landing Pads will help you take your business to the world:

  • General details and quick-select answers
  • 1 x 50-word answer
  • 2 x 150-word answers
  • 5 x 200-300 word answers
  • 1 x 400-word answer
  • Uploading a pitch-deck (recommended) or another pitch document

Closing date

Applications close 21 May 2018 12:00 am AEST

Comment from Indigo Gold

Please be aware that you will have to cover: Flights and other travel costs; Accommodation for the duration of your stay; Living expenses while in market; Visas; and Insurance.

Read more.
