Business assistance and tools: Industry and Innovation maps
The Office of the Chief Economist has two interactive self-service tools to help unlock Industry and Innovation data for Australian regions.
Industry Map
The Industry Map is a companion product to the Australian Industry Report (see below). This tool can help you unlock industry changes in your region. This tool contains the department’s first issue of experimental Gross Regional Product data as well as business counts, population estimates, labour force and industry employment data.
Innovation Map
The Innovation Map is a satellite product to the Australian Innovation System Report and the Australian Geography of Innovative Entrepreneurship (2015) research paper. The interactive Innovation Map identifies the location of innovation activities and business creation (new businesses) across Australia over time:
- R&D expenditure
- Patent applicant counts
- Trademark applicant counts.
Geographic locations influences innovation and business creation. In Australia, the large distances between the major cities and regional and rural centers can be a challenge to knowledge flow and cluster development, the important factors, facilitating innovation.
You can check it out at:
Australian Industry Report
The annual Australian Industry Report provides an overview and analysis of the major economic factors affecting Australia’s industries.
The 2016 report supports decision making through nine short chapters on important topics related to the competitiveness of Australian industries and the economy in general. It offers a conceptual framework to consider the many dimensions of competitiveness, tracks Australia’s performance and analyses factors such as business input costs and export behaviour that drive competitiveness.
This third edition of the report is accompanied by an Industry Map—an online resource that allows users to interactively explore the economic and industry profile in 87 Australian regions—and four staff research papers that provide the technical underpinning to material covered in some chapters of the report.